* Graphic Design...is a solution to a problem of communication through design.
* Appropriate, creative, obsessive, frustrating, organised, structured...design lives in the detail.
* Graphic Design...simple and effective.
These 3 quotes seemed most appropriate of what my knowledge of Graphic Design is.
Simple and effective :

The typeface that has been designed here is very simplistic but vibrant, ive posted this as it has a contemporary visual to it and its simple and effective.
This series of 3 photos show the work of a modern graffiti artists CT ( The Coolest), hes an Italian artist who has begun to develop a new, more simplistic approach to graffiti art. I particularly like the first image as the colours compliment one another well and the simple shapes used make this a creative and unique form of graffiti. Its also interesting how he experiments with layout and format and the use of colour.
I find the use of simple shapes attractive, it goes to show that simple is effective.I like how this is kind of humerous and simple too, just saying what it was going to be has created a piece of design.

I like how this image is so literal and fun, typography as image is something that has began to interest me a lot and is an aspect of Graphic Design i would like to explore further.
This packaging is just so simple, yet it works so well. Simplicity plays a key role in Graphic design.
This caught my eye because of the way in which the autumn leaves have been used for the 'New fall collection', again keeping things simple can have huge communication effects. The idea is so literal.
I really love the typography work of Alex Trochut, its so creative and fun. He plays with imagery and type combined and creates these amazing, flowing designs. Typography is my new found love i think.

Craig Ward's work is again, very clever, i think the way in which he has designed the 'ink and water dont mix' design is genious, and its a good way to visually communicat what it actually says.
I liked this typeface as its curvacious, bold yet still keeps a simple element to it.
I love the elegance this typography as image design. The way in which Freeman has actually used cream to create it gives it immediate visual success. (It makes me want chocolate cake and cream).
Sean Freeman
Appropriate, creative, obsessive, frustrating, organised, structured... design lives in the detail :
I like the hand made 'mess' that has been created, its just another way of creating design that isnt just digital. It fits under this qoute as theres so much going on, yet it still works as a piece.
Yulia Brodskaya
Yulia's work is simply beautiful, her intricate and elegant designs are all made of the finest papers, she finds it an obsession her work. Her attention to detail and dedication is seen throughout all her work. Her style is very unique and quite inspirational.
The detail caught my eye with this piece of graphic design, and i also thought that the layout and colours kept it simple and it allows your eyes to just focus on the typography.
Tom Lane @ Gingermonkeydesign.com
Si Scott's work is very inspirational, his approach to design is very intricate and beautiful designs, which allows his work to be well recognized throughout the industry.
Si Scott
A solution to a problem of communication through design :
These three Cadbury adverts are playful and visually exciting. They play around a lot with the visual of their main selling point, which is theres a glass and a half full of milk in every bar. The milk creates a basis for the type and also creates the visual image of what goes inside this yummy chocolate.
I think this packaging is really cool, its so simple yet just says exactly what it needs to say.
This is kind of like subliminal advertisng with a crazy twist on it. The word 'hot' has been highlighted out of the word 'psychotic'. Clever.
I like how these packaging designs are literal and how the form follows its function. It is what it is so why bother making a fancy packaging. In some ways this design makes the packaging and items more desirable because the packaging is so different from the majority of supermarket package design.
I liked how literal this t-shirt design was, and how the answer to the sum overtook the space of the t-shirt.
This could possibly be an advertisment for the pen thats shown in the image. The word silk has been drawn with image using the pen, the word silk could be signifying that the pens ink is silky and easy using. If thats not the purpose then its a very interesting piece of typography.
I really like the simple layout of this qoute by Saul Bass, the combination of a variety of type is interesting, it starts with the bold speech marks that drop into the qoute which is a simple san serif font, a line then directs you to Saul's name which is signitured.
This is clever how imagery has been used to tell a story, im not sure if this is purposly linking to Apple, but the bitten apple looks like their logo.
Michael Bosanko photography
Micheal Bosanko is a light artist, he uses torches and a slow shutter speed on a camera to create these unique light characters and forms. I looked at his work for the photography elective as i found his technique interesting and fun. He rarely uses photoshop to adjust his photos which is hard to believe, but he can sometimes leave his shutter open for up to an hour to be able to capture the detail within some of his photographs.
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