There are so many different types of greetings cards out there and there are a lot of animal ones. Some are cute and some are funny. There are so many different design approaches available too which gives anyone the opportunity to do something creative. Some are very traditional like hand drawn and water coloured. They have a certain charm about them.
Others are vectored and feel very contemporary, but this can still be done in a unique way.
You can pretty much be as crazy as you like with greetings cards as they are for people and people are individual. I am a fan of very simple and funny cards, something that doesnt try to hard but hits the spot and makes someone smile.
I love how this design has combined different types of traditional design. The zebra looks very realistic whilst the text and the balloons have more of a hand drawn feel to them.
I think that hand drawn designs have more of a personal feel to them, someone has not only thought of the idea but then worked hard to bring it alive using a traditional method. Yes the original may have been scanned in to reproduce but the initial concept of traditional design is still there.
Even though this design look digital, it looks as though they may have used a tablet to draw it which still gives it that hand rendered touch. I really like the splashes of colour with the white card and white characters.
You can be very abstract with greeting cards and combine different elements that may not usually work together.
I really love the hand drawn type on this card, it suites well with the bear who is very charming.
Random cards work very well like this one, who would have thought a panda and a dinosaur card could work so well. It is just something you would not expect and I think this is why people buy them, because they are different.
Simple and sweet cards also work very well and playing on words can be very successful if done appropriately.
Again, another play on words works really well. The silhouette is also very cute.
I like how the badger has been drawn, it feels as though a lot of time and love has gone into designing him.
There are so many different types of cards for different audiences that it is important to broadly define a target audience (if that makes sense). For example adults and childrens cards would most probably be very different and then to add to that you have different types of adults and children.
Often the simplest of designs can be the most successful, this card has that little splash of colour and a lovely play on words. Sometimes that is all you need.
I like how the background doesnt cover the whole card and the realness of the dog with his party hat on, its a really fun design.
The type works really well on this card and it makes the dinosaur seem less scary.
A llama? Why not.
This owl is beautiful and a clever use of words and imagery, as owls are known to be very wise creatures.
The contrast between the white negative space, the bright colours and the black donkey works really well and the play on words makes it very fun.
I wish I was talented and patient like u. You can get more patterns about 3D Greeting Cards on the website. View more designs from them.