Tuesday 2 November 2010

Visual Literacy...

Visual synecdoche:

A visual synecdoche is when you use an image or symbol that is universally recognised and understood,as a substitute for a main subject rather than it taken at face value for its literal meanings. This is a device designers use to interact and communicate with their audience using a very clean and simple way.

Visual metaphor:

A visual metaphor is used to transfer the meaning of one image to another. Although the images may have no close relationship, a metaphor conveys an impression about something relatively unfamiliar by drawing a comparison between it and something familiar.

Visual metonym:

A visual metonym is a symbolic image tat is used to make a reference to something with a more literal meaning. For example, a cross might be used to signify the church. By way of association the viewer makes a connection between the image and the intended subject.Unlike a visual synecdoche, the images bear a close relationship, but they are not intrinsically linked. And unlike visual metaphors, metonyms do not transfer the characteristics of one image to the other.


I found this poster against racism in football, it is a great example of how a designer has used well known images or symbolism to communicate their message to an audience. The football is an obvious symbol that is universally recognized, but with the figure that appears to be kicking the ball, is also a hidden symbol so powerful and certainly recognisable. The swastika is universally known from the war, Hitler used it as the symbol for the Nazi party, and it became known as a symbol of hatred, death, murder and violence.

The Nazi's were a racist group of German nationalists who were all for a 'pure' race. It is clever how the designer has played on this symbol within this poster. When i first saw it, it did take me a minute to see the hidden symbol, but i think its genious.

Its amazing to see how people recognise an image or object and know what it means, for example a pumpkin, the majority of people know that a pumpkin is associated with halloween. The same with logo's, the golden arches, also known as the mcdonalds 'M' is instantly recognised.

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