Thursday 14 April 2011


During the easter break i took a little trip to Amsterdam (not to get stoned), i went with Sarah P from the course, just for something to do. Whilst i was there i took photos of design work that was dotted around the city. Amsterdam is meant to be well known for its good design.

The above pieces of design were surrounding a building site near the central station, there is such a wide variety of styles, it made it look less like a building site. Amsterdam is such a pristine city, they take a lot of pride in how they look, its almost like street decoration, its such a beautiful and inspiring place!

This was a piece of art/design near our botel (a hotel which is a boat), it was so random, just placed on it's own near the ferry stop. It's a message in a bottle, the bottle is held by loads of threads from the top of the box. It's quite literal and simple, but looks really cool, i cant actually remember what it was about though or who made it.

This design looks like photos of pages of a book of photographic negatives of the city, i just like the simple technique that creates a really interesting look, the two coloured negatives are transparent so the detail of the two merges into one another.

This is a really cool idea, its just photos of different walls in the city, but when laid out like this, the walls become a piece of art, not just a random brick wall. It's amazing how you can take something so ordinary and simple and turn it into a great piece of work which makes you look at it in a different light.

This funky pattern was found inside a clothes shop in the city centre, it covered a huge wall where the stairs were, i just really liked it, if only our shops were decorated this well.

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