Thursday, 22 March 2012

Image// Self initiated brief: Design approach research..

I have started looking into existing design that relates to Ladybirds that I find inspiring and feel would help me to develop initial design ideas.

I am wanting to keep my design approach similar to that of the postcards I submitted to the book fair. I traced images I found on Google images in Illustrator and added a texture. They had a hand drawn feel to them even though they were digital. I think I would like to experiment with simplifying them a bit, as I feel this will be more appropriate to my target audience.


My illustrations that I did for the Book Fair.

Image// Self initiated brief research..

For the last Image brief which is self initiated I will be designing a ladybird spotter pack. The pack was inspired by a previous brief I completed for the Book Fair where I created a pack of Ladybird postcards.

The pack will be targeted towards families who have children between the ages of 3 and 10, who love the outdoors and interacting with nature. The idea of the pack is for children to learn more about British Ladybirds. The pack will include information about Ladybirds, the different types of ladybirds, where they can be found and just general information about them.

In terms of what I will be designing for a final solution, I will be looking into packaging for the pack, some info graphics to demonstrate the different types of Ladybirds, stickers, a tick chart, a small book/ poster and possibly a badge. These will become more defined when I start to develop my concept and initial design ideas.

To give my designs some sort of context, I will be designing it in association with The National Trust. The National Trust is the UK's biggest land owner, they look after the UK's wildlife and nature and maintain the environment that supports a rich diversity of life.

The National Trust take pride in conserving the UK's wildlife. I decided to design for The National Trust because they have public gardens all over the UK and they encourage interaction with nature. I decided to aim my pack at a younger audience because children find nature intriguing and exciting, it would also mean they would get out doors and enjoy some fresh air, allowing for families to spend more time together in the great outdoors.

The National Trust have completed many projects and are currently working on projects to help conserve the UK's wildlife.

My pack could be incorporated into one of these projects, or I could even create one which campaigns to save British Ladybirds.


I found this very useful website which has loads of information on it about the UK's Ladybird population, including species, life cycle, habitat, anatomy and Ladybird monitoring. This research will help me to develop an understanding about Ladybirds so that I can effectively produce an information pack that informs, engages and educates my target audience.

Pieces of information that I will probably use include species, habitat and monitioring. I dont want to make any of my information to complicated as my pack will be designed for young children. I will need to keep it simple and engaging.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

YCN// Salad Cream survey..

When we first started the Heinz salad cream brief I created a short survey using I asked a few simple questions to try and find out who liked salad cream, how old they were, if they bought it and what they enjoyed eating it with.

Here are the results//

Sunday, 11 March 2012

YCN// HEINZ Salad Cream van research..

After researching into existing ice cream van designs and promotional vehicles, I have now started to look at Heinz logos, promotion and slogans that could be used on our proposed salad cream van.

The latest campaign for Heinz salad cream was the 'Bring on the Zing'. The campaign has a much younger design approach to it and would suite to promote to a younger target audience. The tag line is catchy and sticks in your mind and it is so true to the brand and taste of salad cream. The design compared to the actual salad cream logo is very different, they have still stuck with the green tones, but have used a much more fun type face and layout. I feel like this reflects the personality of salad cream better.

This is a funny piece of salad cream promotion I found online, it was not created by Heinz, but it goes to show the competition between Heinz salad cream and Hellmanns mayo. This advert mainly promotes the health 'benefits' of salad cream in comparison to other dresses and sauces. It could be funny to try and incorporate something like this in our campaign without being offensive. We did have an idea about salad cream police, who would ride around the festivals making sure people were being good and eating Heinz salad cream.

On our salad cream van, we thought about having a giant salad cream bottle on top with fake salad cream dripping over the van